Last update: 2025/03/07
ANR UniQ-RingS — Uni-dimensional Quantum dynamics in Ring trapS
R. Chicireanu (PI PhLAM), R. Dubessy, P.-É. Larré (PI INPHYNI), L. Longchambon (PI LPL), H. Perrin, and A. Rançon
Accepted for funding on 2024/06/27
ANR STLight — Superfluid and Turbulent Light in complex media
M. Albert, M. Bellec, P.-É. Larré, C. Michel (PI INPHYNI), F. Mortessagne, and S. Nazarenko
ANR-21-CE30-0008 (2021–2025)
ANR Quantum-SOPHA — Quantum Simulators for One-dimensional systems with PHotons and Atoms
M. Albert, R. Dubessy, Q. Glorieux (PI LKB), F. Hébert, P.-É. Larré, A. Minguzzi (PI LPMMC), A. Perrin (PI LPL), H. Perrin, and P. Vignolo (PI INPHYNI)
ANR-21-CE47-0009 (2021–2025)