Last update: 2025/03/07
Critical velocity of a two-dimensional superflow past a potential barrier of arbitrary penetrability
J. Huynh, F. Hébert, M. Albert, and P.-É. Larré
Phys. Rev. A 109, 013317 (2024)
Stationary transport above the critical velocity in a one-dimensional superflow past an obstacle
J. Huynh, F. Hébert, P.-É. Larré, and M. Albert
EPL 143, 46005 (2023)
Low-energy prethermal phase and crossover to thermalization in nonlinear kicked rotors
M. Martinez, P.-É. Larré, D. Delande, and N. Cherroret
Phys. Rev. A 106, 043304 (2022)
Critical velocity for superfluidity in the one-dimensional mean-field regime: From matter to light quantum fluids
J. Huynh, M. Albert, and P.-É. Larré
Phys. Rev. A 105, 023305 (2022)
Experimental observation of turbulent coherent structures in a superfluid of light
A. Eloy, O. Boughdad, M. Albert, P.-É. Larré, F. Mortessagne, M. Bellec, and C. Michel
EPL 134, 26001 (2021) — Focus Article
Weakly interacting disordered Bose gases out of equilibrium: From multiple scattering to superfluidity
T. Scoquart, P.-É. Larré, D. Delande, and N. Cherroret
EPL 132, 66001 (2021) — Focus Article & Perspective
Interferences between Bogoliubov excitations in superfluids of light
Q. Fontaine, P.-É. Larré, G. Lerario, T. Bienaimé, S. Pigeon, D. Faccio, I. Carusotto, É. Giacobino, A. Bramati, and Q. Glorieux
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043297 (2020)
Momentum distribution and coherence of a weakly interacting Bose gas after a quench
G. I. Martone, P.-É. Larré, A. Fabbri, and N. Pavloff
Phys. Rev. A 98, 063617 (2018) — Editors' Suggestion
Hermitian and Non-Hermitian Mode Coupling in a Microdisk Resonator Due to Stochastic Surface Roughness Scattering
S. Biasi, F. Ramiro-Manzano, F. Turri, P.-É. Larré, M. Ghulinyan, I. Carusotto, and L. Pavesi
IEEE Photonics J. 11, 6101114 (2018)
Superfluid motion and drag-force cancellation in a fluid of light
C. Michel, O. Boughdad, M. Albert, P.-É. Larré, and M. Bellec
Nat. Commun. 9, 2108 (2018)
Postquench prethermalization in a disordered quantum fluid of light
P.-É. Larré, D. Delande, and N. Cherroret
Phys. Rev. A 97, 043805 (2018)
Pump-and-probe optical transmission phase shift as a quantitative probe of the Bogoliubov dispersion relation in a nonlinear channel waveguide
P.-É. Larré, S. Biasi, F. Ramiro-Manzano, L. Pavesi, and I. Carusotto
Eur. Phys. J. D 71, 146 (2017)
Thermalization and Bose-Einstein condensation of quantum light in bulk nonlinear media
A. Chiocchetta, P.-É. Larré, and I. Carusotto
EPL 115, 24002 (2016)
Microring Resonators and Silicon Photonics
F. Ramiro-Manzano, S. Biasi, M. Bernard, M. Mancinelli, T. Chalyan, F. Turri, M. Ghulinyan, M. Borghi, A. Samusenko, D. Gandolfi, R. Guider, A. Trenti, P.-É. Larré, L. Pasquardini, I. Carusotto, G. Pucker, and L. Pavesi
MRS Adv. 1, 3281 (2016)
Prethermalization in a quenched one-dimensional quantum fluid of light: Intrinsic limits to the coherent propagation of a light beam in a nonlinear optical fiber
P.-É. Larré and I. Carusotto
Eur. Phys. J. D 70, 45 (2016)
Characterizing the radiation of an acoustic black hole in a Bose-Einstein condensate
D. Boiron, A. Fabbri, P.-É. Larré, N. Pavloff, C. I. Westbrook, and P. Ziń
News of Institut de Physique du CNRS (2015/11/27)
Propagation of a quantum fluid of light in a cavityless nonlinear optical medium: General theory and response to quantum quenches
P.-É. Larré and I. Carusotto
Phys. Rev. A 92, 043802 (2015)
Quantum Signature of Analog Hawking Radiation in Momentum Space
D. Boiron, A. Fabbri, P.-É. Larré, N. Pavloff, C. I. Westbrook, and P. Ziń
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 025301 (2015) — Editors' Suggestion
Optomechanical signature of a frictionless flow of superfluid light
P.-É. Larré and I. Carusotto
Phys. Rev. A 91, 053809 (2015)
In situ measurement of the permeability of foam films using quasi-two-dimensional foams
L. Saulnier, W. Drenckhan, P.-É. Larré, C. Anglade, D. Langevin, É. Janiaud, and E. Rio
Colloids Surf. A 473, 32 (2015)
Nonlinear polarization waves in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate
A. M. Kamchatnov, Y. V. Kartashov, P.-É. Larré, and N. Pavloff
Phys. Rev. A 89, 033618 (2014)
Polarization hydrodynamics in a one-dimensional polariton condensate
P.-É. Larré, N. Pavloff, and A. M. Kamchatnov
Phys. Rev. B 88, 224503 (2013)
Hawking radiation in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate
P.-É. Larré and N. Pavloff
EPL 103, 60001 (2013)
Quantum fluctuations and nonlinear effects in Bose-Einstein condensates: From dispersive shock waves to acoustic Hawking radiation
P.-É. Larré
PhD thesis 2013PA112158, Université Paris-Sud (2013)
Wave pattern induced by a localized obstacle in the flow of a one-dimensional polariton condensate
P.-É. Larré, N. Pavloff, and A. M. Kamchatnov
Phys. Rev. B 86, 165304 (2012)
Quantum fluctuations around black hole horizons in Bose-Einstein condensates
P.-É. Larré, A. Recati, I. Carusotto, and N. Pavloff
Phys. Rev. A 85, 013621 (2012)